我一个pr家的机子, 根本用都没用放着吃灰, 结果这几天给我发邮件, 说我流量带宽超量, 就给我停了. 还要我提供一份详细的报告来恢复机子. 这说的也不明白. 我到底该咋恢复啊????
We noticed excessive bandwidth usage reported for your VM . It doesn't seem to be a normal usage.
To avoid further abuse of our network which may our other customers and help you avoid extensive bandwidth over-usage fees, we had to stop any further bandwidth usage from this VPS by suspending your public network port.
You may console into your server via your VPS control panel in order to fix the cause of this bandwidth abuse problem.
Please update this ticket with a detailed report as regards to what was done to fix this bandwidth abuse problem, so that we can verify from our end and enable your normal access to the server.
We are looking forward to hearing back from you soon,