linode jp1 东京终于要搬家了 只看楼主

jp1 买来一直没怎么用到,就只感觉kddi电信天天炸 移动速度也算不上快,联通倒是爆表...

引用: 你好,


-您的ip将发生变化,您可以在经典的管理器[1]中,从Linode仪表板的Remote Access选项卡查看新的ip。
-您的Linode(s)将不会作为此迁移的一部分升级。一旦您的Linode(s)迁移到我们的Tokyo 2数据中心,您就可以免费升级它们。


当您的Linode迁移时,它将被干净地关闭并迁移到我们的Tokyo 2数据中心。如果您手动启动迁移,您的Linode将返回到以前的状态(运行或关闭)。您可以从Linode的仪表板监视迁移队列中的位置。

引用: Hello,

We hope you're doing well! We are reaching out to inform you that on June 8th, 2019, we will begin migrating Linodes from our Tokyo 1 data center to our Tokyo 2 data center. Here's a summary of how this will affect you:

- Your IPs will change and you can view your new IPs from the Remote Access tab of your Linode's Dashboard within the Classic Manager[1].
- Your migration dates and times are available in the Classic Manager and they cannot be delayed. You can start your migration early by clicking on the “Enter the Migration Queue NOW” button on the Linode's Dashboard.
- Your existing Backups will be deleted. New Backups will be taken in Tokyo 2.
- Your Linode(s) will experience downtime of 5-10 minutes per GB of data.
- Your Linode(s) will not be upgraded as part of this migration. You are free to upgrade your Linode(s) once they have migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center.

We are migrating Linodes out of our Tokyo 1 data center in advance of the data center being decommissioned. To help ease this transition, we've applied a credit to your account equal to one month of service for each of your Tokyo 1 Linodes. We strongly recommend you review our Tokyo 2 Migration doc[2] to help you prepare for this transition.

When your Linode(s) migrates, it will be cleanly shut down and migrated to our Tokyo 2 data center. If you initiated the migration manually, your Linode(s) will be returned to its previous state (running or powered off). You can monitor your position in the migration queue from your Linode's Dashboard.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
  • 2# PT80
  • 2019-4-12 04:47:40
引用: PT80 发表于 2019-4-12 04:47

  • 4# 30826
  • 2019-4-12 04:56:58
引用: 30826 发表于 2019-4-12 04:56

引用: 我們確實理解在數據中心之間擁有不同的運輸提供商會導致不同地區的某些客戶的性能不同,但我想向您保證,我們目前正與我們的運輸提供商合作改進這一點,我們將繼續這樣做,以便我們可以為客戶提供最佳的路由解決方案。


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