简单翻译下,因为违反了TOS中列明的,禁止用各种手段绕开他家购买限制的条款,默认是删机删帐号,但是给一次机会,可以升级到512款或者更高的plan,因为这款是可以买SJC的,1.25刀的256M不行。 而且选择不升级也不退款!!
- As a result, your service is marked for suspension and your account marked for closure, by default. Your service will be suspended 24 hours from this message, a suspension fee assessed, and your service will be terminated and account closed within 72 hours.
- However, we understand you may have made a mistake, so as a courtesy we will allow these options when proceeding:
- 1) You upgrade the offending package to the next level (or higher). In your case, this would be the SSD512 package. This package was permitted to purchase the location you selected.
- 2) You pay a migration fee of $5 to have your service migrated to another location that is available for your package.
- Please note that if no response is given in 24 hours the offending package will be suspended. If no response is given 48 hours after the service's suspension then the service will be slated for termination and your account may be flagged for closure.
- No refunds will be provided in cases of abuse, suspension, and circumvention of our system.
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