1. deadend | February 8, 2008 at 8:11 pm
I got problem with subdomain addition.
lets say i registered domain.com,
when i needed a subdomain then i created my.domain.com.
for some reasons i deleted my subdomain through cpanel and i created it over, also from cpanel.
first time nothing was wrong, but when i repeated the steps : delete and create subdomain, i got the message : “Error from domain wrapper: my.domain.com is owned by another user.”
although the subdomain was deleted and the folder was removed.
can your steps above applied to my case?
will i lose all contents of domain.com ?
Thanks in advance.
2. Jade | February 14, 2008 at 7:17 pm
Yes! That was the one of the problems I was getting. If you go to your apache conf files you should be able to manually input the sub domain record and then run the script. That should fix it.