引用: Dynadot May 31 2018 5:03pm
Looks like there was an email sent to the email address associated with the PayPal account. Can you please reply to that email?
You May 31 2018 5:06pm
but the PayPal email domain is expired for years ago...
Dynadot May 31 2018 5:06pm
We have to be able to verify the PayPal account. The only way for us to do that is by email.
Dynadot May 31 2018 5:07pm
If you do not have access to the email address used for the PayPal account the order may be cancelled.
You May 31 2018 5:09pm
Why Uniregistry and Namecheap are so large and respectable because they believe in customers instead of looking for unreasonable reasons to suspect customers
You May 31 2018 5:10pm
OK plz cancel the pending order and refund then we pay again with another PayPal
Dynadot May 31 2018 5:12pm
Okay, I have requested that the order be refunded to the PayPal account.