It has come to our attention that multiple servers with Shadow Socks (SSR) installed have been blocked by the 高墙 for our users within China. This IP address block started at approximately 09:00 PM (CST).
While the affected IP addresses remain inaccessible to our users within China, the servers remain online on our platform and can be accessed by anyone outside a Chinese network.
Our team has launched an investigation into this incident, and will update you via email when we have more information. Pending the results of the investigation, we will not be exchanging the existing blocked IP addresses for new ones.
Kindly note that servers that do not have SSR installed are not affected by this issue and are accessible to all our client's - both within China and around the world.
As always, we strive to provide the best possible service for all our users, and hope that you will continue to provide your support to us during this investigation.