本帖最后由 VMCloud 于 2017-6-12 18:15 编辑
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In addition to prohibiting specific types of data, we regularly examine customer disk space utilization data in a series of statistical analyses and use the results to define "normal" and consider this utilizing disk space in excess of this to be monopolizing server resources. Although these tests vary from month to month, one thing remains constant: 99.95% of our customers fall into "normal" range.
At this time, 99.5% of our users utilize 30G (30,000M) or less disk space and fall within “normal usage.” Below is the current disk space usage for this account in megabytes (1G ~ 1,000M)
Please note that we employ some of the best servers in the shared web hosting industry and this notification should be treated as identification that your site(s), as they are right now, are using too many resources to reside on a regular shared web hosting server.
Should you need to continue hosting this amount of data on our network, we recommend looking into our VPS or dedicated server packages which offer substantially more disk space availability which is not shared with other users. More information on our VPS and dedicated server packages can be found at the URLs below.
You can read our full Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy at the URLs below.
Endurance International Group https://www.endurance.com/our-brands/
www.arvixe.com, www.domain.com,www.bluehost.com/?no_geo_redirect=1,www.hostgator.com/?no_geo_redirect=1,www.justcloud.com,www.ipower.com,www.asmallorange.com ,www.fatcow.com,
www.Spry.com,www.globat.com, www.VPSLink.com, **firms.com
https://www.bizland.com/ https://www.bluedomino.com/,https://www.domainhost.com/,https://www.dot5hosting.com/,
https://www.easycgi.com/, https://www.ehost.com/, https://www.entryhost.com/ ,https://www.freeyellow.com/, https://www.hostcentric.com/,
http://www.hostyoursite.com/, https://www.**.net/, https://www.imoutdoorshosting.com/, https://**workshosting.com/, https://www.powweb.com/,
https://www.purehost.com/, https://www.readyhosting.com/,https://www.usanethosting.com/, https://www.virtualave.net/,
http://www.webstrikesolutions.com, https://www.xeran.com/, https://www.globat.com/, https://www.verio.com/,
https://www.webhost4life.com/ ,https://www.hostmonster.com/ ,https://www.justhost.com/,http://www.fastdomain.com/