我昨天发的工单申请退款,他们给的回复是 :
- Thank you for writing us today to request cancellation of your services. We do not handle cancellation requests via the ticket system as this process is automated.
- We are sorry to hear you wish to cancel one of your services with us. If there is any concerns you have with the services that we may resolve please let us know and we can work with you on finding a way to ensure your needs for this service are met.
- To cancel your services using our automated method please follow the below steps:
- => Login to your account at https://my.serverhub.com
- => Click on Services
- => Beside each of your Service(s), you will see "View Details", go ahead and click.
- => Click on "Management Actions" -> "Request Cancellation" then proceed to cancel
- Repeat for any other services you wish to cancel.
google 翻译过来就是 :
- 谢谢你今天写我们请求您的服务取消。因为这过程是自动的,我们不处理通过票务系统取消请求。
- 我们很遗憾地听到你希望取消服务之一和我们在一起。如果有任何问题,你有,我们可能会解决,请告诉我们,我们可以与你在寻找一种方法来确保这项服务的需求得到满足的工作服务。
- 要使用我们的自动化方法请按照以下步骤取消服务:
- =>登录到您的帐户https://my.serverhub.com
- =>点击服务
- =>除了每个服务(S),你会看到“查看详细信息”,直接点击。
- =>点击“管理操作” - >“请求取消”然后继续取消
- 重复要取消任何其他服务。
看来只能争议了 ?