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我们的几个域名(a.com ,b.com) 在networksolutions 注册购买,我们用账号 acc_001 登录 networksolutions 管理域名时,发现无法续费,无法申请转移码,无法修改修用卡;域名我们一直在使用,且即将过期;经与 networksolutions 客服多次沟通,对方要求我们提供营业执照并进行公证来为难我们,更让人不可接受的是,我们域名 whois 的注册联系人邮箱竟然是 networksolutions 的 [email protected],我们花钱买了域名且一直在使用,现在却无法续费和转移,这违反了规定,且让人无法接受。
请要求 networksolutions 关闭禁止域名转移锁,并将域名转移码发送到其账号 acc_001 的联系邮箱中,谢谢。
A few of our domain name (a.com, b.com) purchased at networksolutionsregistered, we use the account number acc_001 when logged on networksolutions domain name, found they could not renew, unable to apply for the transfer code andcannot be modified using the card; domain name we still use and will expire; communicate with networksolutions customer service many times, we provide business license and other requirements for notary to make things difficult for us, Even more unacceptable is that networksolutions domain name WHOIS registration contact email address given was our [email protected], we bought a domain name and have been using, but now they cannot renew and transfer, which was against therules, and unacceptable.
Please request a networksolutions closed domain transfer lock and sends a domain name transfer code to link the accounts acc_001 email, thank you.