清空了所有的内容 然后删除了所有的库
用数据恢复软件恢复出来的 都是空表
记得论坛里发过一个Linux下用邮箱附件备份数据的软件 就想照这功能写个Win下的
本人不才 没学过VBScript 不当之处 欢迎指出
是先先rar打包 再发送
压缩包里的rar.exe 可以在您的WinRAR根目录里找到.. 当前貌似3.93版- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '应用程序配置项↓
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '数据库目录 (目录均以"" 结尾)
- Const MySqlDataDir = "C:\Users\Neta\Desktop\Data"
- '备份数据库目录
- Const MySqlBackupDir = "C:\Users\Neta\Desktop"
- 'RAR压缩程序文件路径
- Const RarExePath = "rar.exe"
- '发件邮箱
- Const EmailFrom = "[email protected]"
- '收件邮箱 推荐网易邮箱
- Const EmailTo = "[email protected]"
- 'SMTP地址
- Const SmtpServer = "smtp.qq.com"
- 'SMTP端口
- Const SmtpServerPort = 25
- 'SMTP发信登陆帐号
- Const SendUserName = "[email protected]"
- 'SMTP发信登陆密码
- Const SendPassWord = "password"
- '发送完毕是否删除备份数据文件 true | false
- Const DeleteFile = true
- '单个附件大小 单位为MB
- Const AttachmentSize = 30
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '其他说明: 当执行RAR压缩的时候 会出现一个命令行窗口 显示压缩过程 请勿关闭!
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- backupDateTime = now()
- backupFileName = GetName(backupDateTime)
- attach = MySqlBackupDir & backupFileName & ".rar"
- '开始备份
- Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- WshShell.run RarExePath & " a -ibck " & attach & " " & MySqlDataDir,,true
- Set backupFile = fso.GetFile(attach)
- '判断附件大小 如果超过AttachmentSize 则进行分卷打包
- IF backupFile.Size > AttachmentSize * 1024 * 1024 Then
- '计算分卷打包文件个数
- TotalFile = GetInteger(backupFile.Size / (AttachmentSize * 1024 * 1024))
- '重新取得文件打包时间
- backupDateTime = now()
- backupFileName = GetName(backupDateTime)
- '开始分卷打包
- WshShell.run RarExePath & " a -v" & AttachmentSize & "m -ibck " & MySqlBackupDir & backupFileName & " " & attach,,true
- '删除初次打包的文件
- Call DelFile(attach)
- '发送分卷
- For P = 1 To TotalFile
- attach = MySqlBackupDir & backupFileName & ".part" & P & ".rar"
- Call SendMail(attach,backupDateTime)
- Next
- Else
- Call SendMail(attach,backupDateTime)
- End IF
- Set WshShell = Nothing
- Set fso = Nothing
- Function GetName(time)
- GetName = Replace(Replace(Replace(time, "/", "-"), " ", "-"), ":", "-")
- End Function
- Function GetInteger(number)
- GetInteger = int(number)
- IF GetInteger < number Then
- GetInteger = GetInteger + 1
- End IF
- End Function
- Sub DelFile(path)
- IF deleteFile Then
- fso.DeleteFile(path)
- End IF
- End Sub
- Sub SendMail(file,time)
- NameSpace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
- set Email = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
- Email.From = EmailFrom
- Email.To = EmailTo
- Email.Subject = "MYSQL BACKUP : " & time
- Email.Textbody = "这个是数据库备份文件,备份于: " & time
- Email.AddAttachment file
- With Email.Configuration.Fields
- .Item(NameSpace&"sendusing") = 2
- .Item(NameSpace&"smtpserver") = SmtpServer
- .Item(NameSpace&"smtpserverport") = SmtpServerPort
- .Item(NameSpace&"smtpauthenticate") = 1
- .Item(NameSpace&"sendusername") = SendUserName
- .Item(NameSpace&"sendpassword") = SendPassWord
- .Update
- End With
- Email.Send
- Set Email = Nothing
- Call DelFile(file)
- End Sub
[ 本帖最后由 Neta 于 2010-10-6 19:44 编辑 ] |