Yes, we lost the storage array. We are not happy about this but have made steps to ensure it does not happen it the future.
Below is the RCA of the issue we sent out.
---------Start Message 9/27/2015 4:33 PM EST---------
We regret to have to inform you that the RAID array on xen1buf1 has been lost due to corruption. This was our error, the CacheCade array had been setup as RAID 0. When one of the SSD Caching drives failed, the storage array could not be recovered.
We now have four new Caching SSDs in RAID 1 to protect the RAID 10 storage array.
Your VPS has be recreated and you will retain the same IP as you did before.
You will be receiving a crediting to your account for one months worth of service. This credit can be used for any HostBrew service. If you wish to cancel your service, please let us know, we will understand.
Once again we apologize for this inconvenience and hope that our improvements, forwardness and honesty in the matter will retain your business
坛子里有用HOSTBREW的机油吗? |