发表于 2014-12-15 12:26:44
Annual fee calculations
Members holding only IPv4 address space
A Member's total IPv4 address holding is used to calculate the annual membership fee. The fees are calculated using a continuous formula.
The formula for IPv4 address holdings is:
Feev4 = 1180x1.3(log2(Addresses)-8)
Using this formula, address holdings are expressed as the total count of individual IPv4 addresses (/32).
For example, there are 81,920 IPv4 addresses in a /16 and a /18.
Members holding only IPv6 address space
A Member's total IPv6 address holding is used to calculate the IPv6 part of the annual membership fee. The fees are calculated using a continuous formula.
The formula for IPv6 address holdings is:
Feev6 = 1180x1.3(log2(Addresses)-22)
Using this formula, address holdings are expressed as the total of IPv6 end-site addresses (/56).
For example, there are 33,554,432 /56 end-site addresses in a /31.
Members holding both IPv4 and IPv6 address space
For Members holding both IPv4 and IPv6 address space, the IPv4 and IPv6 holdings are assessed separately. The annual membership fee is then charged as the greater of these two calculations.
Members holding no IP address space
Members who do not hold any IPv4 or IPv6 addresses will pay an annual membership fee of AUD 675. |