This ticket is notification that your service (209.141.**.**) is now suspended for being used in an outbound DDoS attack. Investigation into this incident shows that your VPS (along with 4 others) were compromised, and used to attack a remote ChinaNet/APNIC server. As the nature of this compromise appears to have been a bruteforce technique, we are requiring that you perform a full reinstall of your VPS, and implementing the following SSH security measures:
- Assign a nonstandard port for SSH
- Disable root login
- Disable password authentication
- Enable and use RSA authentication for login
As this violation was the result of a compromise, no administrative action will be taken against you. However, please be aware that the reinstall and above security measure are absolutely mandatory; any further compromise from your VPS will be considered a second offense, and treated in accordance with our Terms of Service and Acceptable Usage Policy. Once you acknowledge and reply to this ticket, your service will be reactivated for you to perform the reinstall.
Aldryic C'boäs, Frantech Staff
[Email/MSN] [email protected]
[IRC] irc.frantech.ca / #frantech
求助 这4个安全措置怎么做?
- Assign a nonstandard port for SSH
- Disable root login
- Disable password authentication
- Enable and use RSA authentication for login