Amazon Lightsail APS1-TotalDataXfer-Out-Bytes
USD 0.00
$0.00 / GB - data transfer out for Asia Pacific (Singapore)
77.414 GB
USD 0.00
Amazon Lightsail APS1-UnusedStaticIP
USD 0.48
$0.00 / hour of Static IP address not attached to an instance (first hour free)
1 Hrs
USD 0.00
$0.005 / hour of Static IP address not attached to an instance
96.761 Hrs
USD 0.48
Amazon Lightsail Bundle:0.5GB
USD 3.15
$0.00672 / Hour of 0.5GB bundle Instance including public IPv4 address
469 Hrs
USD 3.15
USD 0.00
Amazon Lightsail APS1-TotalDataXfer-In-Bytes
USD 0.00
$0.00 / GB - data transfer in
79.809 GB
USD 0.00
附加到实例上的静态 IP 这一项不收取费用,公网 IPv4 的费用是包含在这一项里的 ($0.00672 / Hour of 0.5GB bundle Instance including public IPv4 address)