2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:evo303resmi.skin:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //tsumajav.org:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:sikkim-game.in:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: failed to read request > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: failed to read request > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: failed to read request > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:cadbimcentre.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:cadbimcentre.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:socket-r2d9g7x1y3m.wat0n.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:dream99.art:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:socket-r2d9g7x1y3m.wat0n.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //uabex.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:8xbet06.blog:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:cadbimcentre.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:vr3d.club:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:tsumajav.org:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:cadbimcentre.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //www.vk01.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:casino.guru:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: rejected proxy/socks: insufficient header > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:sas.maabudarrin.sch.id:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 accepted //giphy.com:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:sas.maabudarrin.sch.id:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:m.schub.top:443 [proxy] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcp:plazaikonos.com.mx:443 [direct] 2024/09/13 09:55:47 tcp: accepted tcpnlineislemler.digiturk.com.tr:443 [proxy] request > EOF 2024/09/13 09:55:53 accepted //m.schub.top:443 [proxy]
wjj 发表于 2024-9-13 10:33 是不是用的人家的一键?我上个月也是被刷
北极熊 发表于 2024-9-13 10:25 这只是个代理软件,你要是浏览器开了什么玩意会一直发请求,也会这样跑流量的,你把该关的都关了,再测下看 ...
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