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发表于 2024-6-25 16:23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

We have been listening to your requests for more bandwidth allocation with our VPS and server plans.

It took us some time to overcome various difficulties to achieve what you all requested.

Some of the issues were technical, such as upgrading our entire core network with new routers and core switches to handle the increased traffic bandwidth. Additionally, negotiating new contracts with uplink providers was much more involved due to the need to upgrade their connectivity on their end as well.

But in the end, it is done, and here is the good news:

Currently, our plans come with two options for bandwidth that users are free to choose from:

A limited number of TBs transferred on a 1 Gbps link
Unlimited transfer on a 100 Mbps link
These will be upgraded for free as follows:

Increase the number of allowed TBs on the 1 Gbps link to 3x (triple bandwidth allocation)
Switch from 100 Mbps unlimited to a 250 Mbps unlimited option (the limit here is only on upload, while download speed remains unlimited)
And if you think that is good enough, wait to hear this: We are currently rolling out an option to have a daily increasing unlimited option. What this means is:

On the first day, your VPS bandwidth is 250 Mbps unlimited (the limit is only on upload, while download speed is not limited).
Each day your VPS is active, you get an extra 1 Mbps upload limit increase.
So, for example, after 10 days, your upload speed will be 260 Mbps. After 250 days, it will be 500 Mbps, and so on, until you reach the max of 1 Gbps, at which point it will stop increasing.

We decided to implement all these upgrades for free to keep our promise of being a value-focused provider. We always try to do the most with as little as possible without compromising quality.

We believe our success so far is proof that this business model works, as we rarely do any advertising. The vast majority of our clients come through recommendations from other clients.

If you like our services, please spread the word to anyone who might be interested, as that really helps us.

1. 1Gbps速度的带宽提升至3倍流量
2. 100Mbps无限流量的带宽提速到250Mbps
3. 新增流量选项:250Mbps无限流量带宽,机器每在线1天提升1Mbps,直到1Gbps为止
发表于 2024-6-25 16:26:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-6-25 16:26:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-6-25 16:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
血仍未冷 发表于 2024-6-25 16:26
他家问题出现在io不行,网络什么的倒是小事情,io比网速还慢,增加带宽的行为简直是糊弄人,也是自欺欺人 ...

发表于 2024-6-25 19:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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