本帖最后由 easyearn 于 2012-6-13 21:18 编辑
To expand your block we need a list of all the current IP's on that server, who
is using them, and why they are being used. Only 80% has to pass justification
to expand your block but we need to know what your doing with them. Without
this information we can't give out more IP's. Also something you need to be
aware of, SEO reasons for ip usage will *not* be accepted. If you want a single
IP for a single website the only acceptable ARIN justification that we know of
is SSL certificates. If you have a site on a single IP without an SSL
certificate, get one before you submit your justification. Otherwise it will be
rejected. Once you have your currant usage justified we also need to know what
your intending to use the additional ips for, this does not need to be detailed,
just a general explanation.
Here is an example of how we would like your current usage to be justified.
IP -- Name of person/website -- Technical reason an IP is needed -- server01.example.com -- Physical Server -- hostnameofavps.com -- VPS server -- ns1.example.com -- authoritative nameserver -- secure.example.com -- SSL Cert
我按照了他们的格式填了,website 要填什么? |