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[疑问] 收到Oracle邮件说Initial Deletion Notice for Cloud Shell Home Directories...

发表于 2023-9-15 23:05:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Customer,

The user(s) identified in this notification have not used Cloud Shell for at least 180 days. Due to their inactivity, their Cloud Shell free storage which contains their home directory has been marked as "Inactive" and may be deleted in the future if action is not taken. Inactive Cloud Shell storage (home directory) will automatically be deleted 240 days after the user's last Cloud Shell session. For more information, see Cloud Shell Limitations.

Why did I receive the notice?
You are the administrator of the tenancy. Your home directory or the home directory of a user(s) in your tenancy are marked "Inactive".

Do I need to take action?
To retain the home directories for the inactive Cloud Shell user(s), you must inform each inactive Cloud Shell user to log into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Console and start a new Cloud Shell session. This will automatically mark the instance(s) as "Active" and prevent the user’s home directory from being deleted. For more information, see How to Launch a Cloud Shell.

If you do nothing and the user's home directory is deleted, the user will continue to have access to Cloud Shell. However, they will lose any files they stored in their home directory. A new home directory (without old data) will be assigned when the user starts a new Cloud Shell session. Access to the OCI Console and other cloud services will not be affected.

我按照邮件说的登录Cloud Shell也是失败,一直有错误
发表于 2023-9-16 01:10:24 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
在该通知中标识的用户至少180天没有使用云外壳。由于它们不活动,包含其主目录的Cloud Shell免费存储被标记为 “不活动”,如果不采取措施,将来可能会删除。无效的云外壳存储 (主目录) 将在用户上次云外壳会话240天后自动删除。有关更多信息,请参见云外壳限制。  我为什么收到通知? 你是租约的管理人。您的主目录或租赁中用户的主目录被标记为 “非活动”。  我需要采取行动吗? 要保留不活动的Cloud Shell用户的主目录,必须通知每个不活动的Cloud Shell用户登录Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 控制台并启动新的云外壳会话。这将自动将实例标记为 “活动”,并防止用户的主目录被删除。有关更多信息,请参见如何启动云外壳。  如果您不执行任何操作,并且删除了用户的主目录,则该用户将继续访问Cloud Shell。但是,他们将丢失存储在主目录中的任何文件。当用户启动新的Cloud Shell会话时,将分配一个新的主目录 (没有旧数据)。访问OCI控制台和其他云服务不会受到影响。
发表于 2023-9-16 01:11:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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