标题:Merge request
内容:Please terminate the newly purchased VPS s10086.vps.hosting and keep the old VPS s8888.vps.hosting, please migrate the expiration date of the new VPS to the old VPS. I hereby confirm that I have backed up all the data on the new VPS. I will not request for a refund.
如果希望保留新的机器 s10086.vps.hosting
标题:Merge request
内容:Please terminate the old VPS s8888.vps.hosting and keep the new VPS s10086.vps.hosting, please migrate the expiration date of the old VPS to the new VPS. I hereby confirm that I have backed up all the data on the old VPS. I will not request for a refund.
如果之前购买了 Mini 套餐的用户,因为 Mini 套餐缺货,您可以购买 Mini Pro 套餐并申请合并到期时间,具体保留 Mini 机器还是新购买的 Mini Pro 机器请自行决定。