本帖最后由 Residual 于 2022-9-1 15:24 编辑
Host system 17373
SSH连不上, Ping 上千
是 cc 网络又死球了?
工单提交完, 下午3点说恢复了
上去一看, 服务器重启了=-=
- Thanks for reaching out to Contabo customer support.
- The issue you mentioned is connected with a minor incident that affected a small number of servers in the data center where your server is located. Our technicians already managed to resolve the problem and your server should now work properly. Now that that the servers are back online our team will perform a root cause analysis to minimize the risk of such issues in the future.
- Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused by this issue. Should you still experience problems with your server, please reach out to us.
- If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- --
- Best regards,
- Babatunde Saheed Adesina
- Support Specialist
- 感谢您联系 Contabo 客户支持。
- 您提到的问题与影响您服务器所在数据中心的少量服务器的小事件有关。我们的技术人员已经设法解决了问题,您的服务器现在应该可以正常工作了。既然服务器已重新上线,我们的团队将执行根本原因分析,以最大限度地降低未来此类问题的风险。
- 对于此问题给您带来的不便,请接受我的歉意。如果您的服务器仍然遇到问题,请与我们联系。
- 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请随时与我们联系。
- --
- 此致,
- 巴巴通德·萨希德·阿德西纳
- 支持专家