本帖最后由 ming997hk 于 2016-12-2 17:52 编辑
we've enabled it now, keep in mind that if it does happen again, it will be terminated immediately.
我就是用fast2模式, 都是默认的配置,跑了几个4K视频,然后就被suspend了,还写了这么多警告网络滥用的
We've suspended your vps, because problem is high bursting, not the program you're using. We do not care what program you use, just as long as you do not burst and used up the 1Gbps port the main server has.
You're not the only client in a server, if we let one client bursting so much, we'll have to let other clients doing it, and server only has 1Gbps and it can easily be filled with just a few people doing it and caused problems to many other clients. If we let one client doing 20-300Mbps, we'll only have 3-50 people doing it before it caused issues to the shared 1000Mbps port. We host not just 3-50 people in a server on this low end plan. We host hundreds of VPS' in a server to cover the cost. We have to make sure the 1Gbps is available at all times for everyone.
With over 20-800Mbps usage, that's a lot of over bw fee if we let it go on for hours. Even for just a minute, it can use over 100-800GB. We do not care if it's hacked or not, it is your VPS, it is your responsibility on what you're using it for.