1. 每次都进窗口界面,慢,而且也一般不用窗口界面,这个。。。要专业点嘛:)
网上找了N多相关信息,大部分是说改/etc/inittab里的default runlevel,我装完debian后的default runlevel是2,改成3之后(大部分这样说),reboot后还是进入了图形窗口界面。
第一步:先把/etc/inittab里的The default runlevel改成3,因为以前其他版本的linux的3 runlevel就可以从字符界面启动。我们也把default runlevel改成3。
The scripts in this directory are executed each time the system enters
this runlevel.
The scripts are all symbolic links whose targets are located in
/etc/init.d/ .
To disable a service in this runlevel, rename its script in this directory
so that the new name begins with a 'K' and a two-digit number, where the
number is the difference between the two-digit number following the 'S'
in its current name, and 100. To re-enable the service, rename the script
back to its original name beginning with 'S'.
说得很清楚:这个目录下 的脚本会在系统启动时执行(当runlevel=3时),如果想要某个脚本不执行,就重命名一下,重命名是有方法的:新的文件名是以“K”开头的(注意大 小写),后面紧跟两位数字,这两位数字不能是原文件名中“S”后面的两位数字,当然也不能是100(都三位数了)。OK,看懂README后,就把 S30gdm重命名为K31gdm。