标题: gestiondbi家什么狗屎IMPORTANT - New ordering rules for China [打印本页] 作者: 恋花 时间: 2017-5-8 12:38 标题: gestiondbi家什么狗屎IMPORTANT - New ordering rules for China We regret to inform you that since we have been experiencing an increasing amount of transaction fraud and unauthorized usage of our services for illicit purposes by our Chinese client base, we decided to establish some preventive measures. From this point forward, every payment we receive from China is required to be made in Bitcoin currency and will be closely monitored by our security department. Please make sure you know exactly what you need before purchasing for there will be no refunds. Do not forget that any and all information you provide us must be legitimate. Unfortunately, if this problem does not subside, we will have no choice but to discontinue our services to this country altogether.