我不知道可以换机房不?我用了2-3年了 一直没有管作者: hjsxiaosheng 时间: 2017-3-12 21:29
续费多少→_→ 还可以续费么作者: asan 时间: 2017-3-12 21:31
多少转让?作者: 乞丐的别墅 时间: 2017-3-12 21:42
多少刀作者: highvideo 时间: 2017-3-12 22:03
到期了还能续费?作者: ailaotan 时间: 2017-3-12 22:06
搬瓦工到期7天内可以续费 .
Starting from February 1, 2017, we no longer send out invoices ahead of time. Instead, invoices are sent on Renewal date (after which you have 7 days to make payment).
Please check out the following updated article on how service renewal works: