Last year we have decided to build a container hosting platform to help developers launch and scale their applications faster and easier. We were on a good position, having tons of experience by working with customers all around the world, building scalable systems and developer tools. This lead us to CloudHero, a native cloud hosting provider for Docker containers.
We started with an MVP, and our first users found about us on Quora. Our free tier was very popular, reaching a few thousands users in the first months since we’ve launched. People started to give us feedback, ask about features and point us the issues that our product had which gave us trust that we were on the right track. These people were you, our users and I want to thank you for all the time you have invested in our product by using it and giving us feedback.
As the user base grew, we’ve understood that building an infrastructure company is hard and it requires tons of money and experience, which we didn’t have or thought about it properly. Infrastructure has become utility, and people expect it to be cheap and reliable.
All human endeavors are risky. Startups are especially so, with failure their most likely end. Still, we hope and strive for better.
Having thins in mind, please note that CloudHero service is shutting down on March 10, 2017. Please backup all your data!
Best regards,
CEO CloudHero作者: Mr.Long 时间: 2017-3-3 22:42
Having thins in mind, please note that CloudHero service is shutting down on March 10, 2017. Please backup all your data!
这算跑路好吗作者: 阿威 时间: 2017-3-3 22:42
没听过这个cloudhero作者: 凤梨 时间: 2017-3-3 22:42
没听说过这家作者: 斜阳晚暮 时间: 2017-3-3 22:43
可能都是想赚企业的钱。作者: geryson911 时间: 2017-3-3 22:47
我也不记得我什么时候用过这家了,非常时期这封邮件有非常的意义 作者: 墨迹 时间: 2017-3-3 22:48
我也收到了,都不记得什么时候注册的作者: 1085868322 时间: 2017-3-3 22:49
不错了,跑路前还能提醒你备份作者: lunone 时间: 2017-3-3 22:52
之前不是说过么Docker 是个看着浅实际深的技术,越往后越问题多.这个难免吧作者: maozedong 时间: 2017-3-3 22:55
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 凤梨 时间: 2017-3-3 23:00