If the payment was made within the last 24 hours we can try to reverse it, otherwise it will stay as a credit on your account. In that case you should cancel your subscription so that next month it is deducted from the credit.
Host Virtual, Inc takes its Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy very seriously. During the course of your service we have found that you are violating our AUP and as such your service has been terminated per the terms you agreed to during account creation.
For more information regarding our TOS or AUP please visit: http://www.vr.org/tos/ and http://www.vr.org/aup/
Typically, this occurs because you are sending spam, hosting a spamvertised website, running an open proxy, or providing access to or sharing illegal files (torrents) etc. However, no further information specific to this case will be provided. If you wish to use our service, please carefully review our policies and ensure you abide by them.
We were alerted by paypal that your account is being used for fraudulent purchases and payments are not valid, as the paypal account is being used without permission.
As such your account was terminated and we are reviewing the records to help paypal take appropriate action.